Friday July 19 and Sunday September 1
想看看野鹅步道节的步道吗?加入我们,参加这些免费的、不间断的团体跑步活动!我们将于7 月 19 日星期五进行夜间跑步,并于9 月 1 日星期日进行晨跑。这些团体跑步活动向所有速度的跑步者开放。
July 19th - NIGHT TRAILS
让我们在 7 月 19 日星期五进行夜间越野跑吧!我们将在野鹅越野跑节上跑 4.75 米的方格环路。这是一场无落差赛事 - 欢迎所有速度的跑步者。必须佩戴头灯(或腰灯)。日落时间是晚上 8:30,因此您将获得从黄昏过渡到黑暗的绝妙练习。请回复是否参加此免费活动!
9 月 1 日 - 早晨的里程
We'll head back to Wawayanda to see the rest of the course on Sunday September 1st. This is Labor Day Weekend, so we need to start early! Please arrive at the Main Park Gate by 7:45am so you are ready to get in when the gate opens. If you arrive after 8am, you may not be able to get into the park because it is so busy that weekend. We will preview the 6M Blue Loop and then the 7.75M Pink Loop. Please RSVP for this free event!
4.75M 方格环路是 Wild Goose 三个环路中最为平缓且地形最为简单的环路。没有大坡度或大坡度,也没有技术路段!我们认为 6M 蓝环路是技术性最强的环路,因为环路前面有 0.8 英里的路段。除此之外,其余的小径都是起伏的,并且是两倍宽的碎石路/泥土路。7.75M 环路有各种路段——两倍宽的平缓小径、起伏的单轨、木板路和一段公路。这个环路绝对是整个路线中地形最为多样化的环路,可以说是三个环路中最美丽的环路。
带上您跑步/徒步所需的一切物品!您需要一双越野跑鞋(或者如果您愿意,也可以是登山靴)、一个水瓶或补水包以及食物/零食。7 月 17 日的夜跑需要头灯(或腰灯)。请确保您的头灯正常工作并且装有一组新电池!起点/终点处有洗手间。
Wawayanda 公园每辆车收费 5 美元。建议拼车以节省一些钱!
瓦瓦扬达州立公园有熊(去年 9 月,在野鹅节期间,有几位跑步者/徒步旅行者看到了熊)。我们将聚在一起,因此跑步时不太可能遇到熊。但是,如果我们确实看到了熊,重要的是停止跑步并慢慢后退。让自己变得高大而响亮。大喊“嘿,熊!”
Please read the parking directions carefully: Okay, here’s where you really need to read the fine print and pay attention. The address to the main entrance is 885 Warwick Turnpike, Hewitt, NJ. This will bring you to the entrance on Warwick Turnpike, where the park office is located. This entrance will always be open. This is the only way you can enter the park. PLEASE look at your phone GPS to make sure it is taking you to this entrance and not the Auxiliary Entrance. If you are unsure, you can also plug in the "Warwick Drive-In Theater" to make sure you get on Warwick Turnpike. The park entrance is a few miles from the Theater.
The Auxiliary Entrance is located at 120 Wawayanda Road, Highland Lakes, NJ. This WILL NOT BE OPEN! When you enter the park through the main entrance on Warwick Turnpike, follow signs to Wawayanda Lake/The Beach. It will take about 5 minutes to get there from the entrance on Warwick Turnpike.