Barefooting 101 Clinic
|New Jersey Botanical Gardens
Barefoot-curious? Come learn about the many benefits of kicking off your shoes! Ken Posner will lead this clinic on October 6th in Ringwood, NJ and teach us how to take small steps to free our feet.

2024年10月06日 10:00 – 11:30
New Jersey Botanical Gardens, 5 Morris Rd, Ringwood, NJ 07456, USA
Barefoot-curious? Come learn about the many benefits of kicking off your shoes! Ken Posner will lead this clinic and teach us how to take small steps to free our feet. We'll meet at the New Jersey Botanical Gardens in Ringwood, NJ at 10am on Sunday October 6, 2024. The New Jersey Botanical Gardens provides a diverse array of ground surfaces for us to explore. Located in Ringwood, the Gardens are a hidden gem nestled in northern New Jersey.